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Published on 02-09-2022

CORILA processes information
to support the decisions of the administrations

CORILA has always been involved in environmental monitoring and the management of the resulting information assets. The collection of environmental data is of fundamental importance for the understanding of lagoon phenomena and dynamics. The new challenges relating to the sustainable management of the natural and anthropic environment are pushing the scientific community to new ambitious goals that are capable of transforming raw data into useful information.

The integration of data finds even more value in the development of mathematical models capable of describing the hydrodynamic processes, erosion, deposition and transport of sediments and the biological processes associated with them.

For a sustainable management of the Venetian lagoon system, of the activities related to it, and for an assessment of the resilience capacity, it is essential to observe, describe and predict, through an integrated approach, the erosive and depositional processes that determine the evolution of the lagoon morphologies and ecosystems linked to them with the collection and management of new data.

For all this CORILA has prepared two IT tools capable of collecting and making available to all the data and information relating to all the environmental monitoring activities that the scientific community carries out in the Venice lagoon.

The Observatory System of the Lagoon of VEnezia is a collector of spatial information. Through SOLVE it is possible to view single layers and create new maps based on the user’s needs.

The CKAN data and metadata catalog allows you to quickly search and locate data and information related to them.

The Observation System of the Venice lagoon (SOLVE)

Data and metadata catalog (CKAN)