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Published on 26-07-2018

CORILA is a non-profit association

between the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the IUAV University of Venice, the National Research Council and the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics. It is supervised by the Ministry of University and Research, whose Minister is a member of the Venice Safeguarding Committee, led by the Prime Minister and made up of Ministers and local authorities.
The operational structure is made up of researchers who carry out scientific coordination activities, interdisciplinary integration activities and management functions.

Brochure CORILA

  • promotes and coordinates research on the Venice lagoon, also at an international level;
  • promotes dialogue with the national and international scientific community by making available the knowledge and operational assets of its members in an interdisciplinary framework for opportunities for discussion and common work;
  • studies the physical system, the environmental, architectural and landscape, economic and social aspects of the Lagoon and of the settlements, strongly interconnected components of a complex natural and anthropic system;
  • processes and manages this information in an integrated and updated framework, providing the essential elements and synthesis to allow political decision-makers and Public Administrations to make the best possible choices and strategies based on knowledge, providing tools for an agile but in-depth understanding of the lagoon system , its peculiarities and problems;
  • carries out interdisciplinary scientific research projects relevant to the problems of the Lagoon which, with the entry into operation of the MOSE, will be the first “regulated lagoon” in the world, strongly influenced by both climate change and numerous other human impacts;
  • organizes a wide diffusion of the research and its results, both thanks to the publication of the main research results, and through the organization of meetings and conferences, and through social media, to reach and interact with various types of possible users;
  • participates in international projects and other activities funded by the European Union, often offering Venice and its lagoon as a “study site”: Venice can be considered a large laboratory for conducting interdisciplinary research on climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Gli organi di CORILA

Prof. Antonio Marcomini

Managing Director
Dott. Ing. Pierpaolo Campostrini – curriculum

Board of Direcors

Dott.ssa Paola Del Negro, OGS
Prof. Antonio Marcomini, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
Prof. Francesco Musco, Università Iuav di Venezia
Ing. Tommaso Colabufo, Provveditorato interregionale per il Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Dott. Mauro Sclavo, CNR
Dott. Vincenzo Zagnoni, MUR

Scientific Technical Committee

Prof. Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Università di Uppsala
Prof. Francesco Regoli, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Prof. Michelangelo Russo, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Prof. Gianluca Sarà, Università di Palermo
Prof. Alberto Zirino, Università di San Diego, California

Board of Auditors

Dott. Valentino Bonechi (Presidente)
Dott. Luca Burighel
Dott.ssa Giada Fassone

CORILA Statute Gender Equality Plan


Dott.ssa Francesca Coccon
Dott.ssa Caterina Dabalà
Ing. Chiara Dall’Angelo
Dott.ssa Barbara Giuponi
Dott. Alessandro Meggiato
Arch. Enrico Rinaldi
Dott. Andrea Rosina
Dott.ssa Francesca Tonin