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Published on 28-06-2021

Sharing of information and methods between Member States


  • Programme or Providing body: Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Second Cycle: Implementation of the new GES Decision and Programmes of Measures
  • Project title: Support Mediterranean Member States towards the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive new GES Decision and programmes of measures and contribute to regional/subregional cooperation
  • Acronym: MEDREGION
  • Duration: 01/02/2019-31/01/2021 – Prolungato a 31/07/2021
  • Project budget: 1.248.684 €
  • CORILA budget: 103.063€
  • Contact person in CORILA:
  • Keywords: Pianificazione dello spazio marittimo (MSP), Mar Mediterraneo, Buono Stato Ambientale (GES)

MEDREGION  foresees to assist the Competent Authorities in the implementation of the second cycle of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and has a strategic role in the frame of the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS). The Competent Authorities are involved and consulted throughout the project, so that the projects results will respond to their needs, will be ‘endorsed’ by them and  will be in a format that can be directly   used for the facilitation of the MSFD on national and regional/subregional level in the Mediterranean.

The project addresses two clusters of Descriptors, Biodiversity descriptors and Pollution descriptors, by selecting indicators and setting reference conditions and thresholds,  integrating multiple indicators, criteria and ecosystem components.

The work to be performed within the MEDREGION project, besides aiming to be linked with the work under the EcAp (The Ecosystem Approach) project and be in line with the new GES decision (2017/848/EU) requirements, will build on previous projects performed in Mediterranean, such as ActionMed, MedCIS, IDEM, INDICIT and QuietMed. The catalogue of management measures already been produced in MEDCIS project will be populated with measures established under the biodiversity-related descriptors and the analyses of the commonalities of the measures on sub-regional and regional level will be  performed.

MEDREGION will contribute to  share information and methods among MSs, to analyze the existing gaps, the shared elements and differences in the monitoring programs  and subprograms as well as to assess the comparability of data in the Mediterranean region and contribute to the assessments of the current Programmes of Measures (PoMs) to see if they meet the criteria and methodological standards set by the new GES decision. Indeed, it will test the applicability of methods developed within the project in real contexts: two pilot studies will be carried out, one in the Adriatic Sea and another in the Western Mediterranean.

As MSFD enters its second cycle of implementation, it is also expected that the integration with other policy frameworks in the marine realm will be established, particularly with Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (MSP). The project will therefore actively integrate the results of the ongoing MSP projects taking place in both Eastern and Western Mediterranean, therefore greatly increasing the synergies between MSFD and MSP processes.

MEDREGION scientific team is connected through an extensive network, both European and global, to the scientific community, policy makers and other stakeholders. This network can be used to promote the outcomes/ deliverables of the project and ensure that  the work is not duplicated, but rather that added value is provided. The involvement of the Regional Sea Convention (UNEP/MAP) will ensure  to avoid  overlaps and will enhance synergies among EcAp and MSFD initiatives in the region ensuring the various MSFD/EcAp related projects to be strengthened each other’s.

To provide support to Member States of Mediterranean regions / sub-regions for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

  • Catalogue of management measures already been produced in MEDCIS updated with measures established under the biodiversity-related descriptors.
  • Specific guidance addressed to Competent Authorities to better implement the new GES decision or to quantify the effects of the PoMs.
  • Complete gaps in monitoring data and monitoring programmes in order to improve the data/information collection for the regional GES assessment and to support appropriately the CIS monitoring Processes.

HCMR, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research – Greece

IFREMER, Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer – France

ISPRA-SNPA(affiliated INFO/RAC), Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale – Italy

AZTI, AZTI Fundazioa – Spain

IEO, Instituto Español de Oceanografía – Spain

IzVRS, Inštitut za vode Republike Slovenije / Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia – Slovenia

NIB, National Institute of Biology – Slovenia

IOF, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries -Croatia


MATTM, Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea – Directorate – General for Nature and Sea Protection – Italy

MOP, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Republike Slovenije / Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of Republic of Slovenia – Slovenia


SSW, Special Secretariat for Water (SSW), Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy – Greece

CORILA (affiliated OGS, UNIVE), Consorzio per il coordinamento delle ricerche inerenti al sistema lagunare di Venezia – Italy

USalento, University of Salento – Italy

Plan Bleu, Plan Bleu pour l’Environnement et le Développement en Méditerranée – France

RAC/SPA, Specially Protected Areas Regional Activity Centre – Tunisia
